Looking for descendants of Sir George Alexander William Leith (1766-1842)

  Sir George Alexander William Leith,Governor of Penang from(1800-1803).

> He was born in year 1766. Sir George Leith
> was in the 71st under Cornwallis and was at the seige of Seringapatam
> in 1799. (His letters survive with descriptions of this seige). In 1800,
> he was appointed Governor of Prince of Wales Island (Penang) and wrote a
> book about his experiences. While Governor, he was supposedly invested
> with the whole civil and military authority of the island. In 1895,
> because of his part in quelling a rebellion, he was presented with a set
> of porcelain by the King of Burma. In 1806, he was appointed Assistant
> Adjutant-General of the British Forces in Ireland. He was later made a
> Knight-Commander of the Order of the Bath. He died in Scotland in 1842.
> His childrens -
> i)Sir George Alexander William Wellesley Leith(1806-1842) married to Jemima Macdonald Buchanan.His childrens -
> ai)Sir George Hector Leith-Buchanan(1833-1903) married 1stly Ella Maria Chapman and 2ndly to Elizabeth Caroline Tod.His childrens -
> bi)Sir Alexander Wellesley George Thomas Leith Buchanan(1866-1925)married to Agnes Maude Mary Grant.His childrens -
> ci)Sir George Hector Macdonald Leith Buchanan(1889-1973)married to Barbara Leshure.His issue:-
> di)Helen Elizabeth Leith-Buchanan married Peter Michael Selfe.
> cii)Alexander Wellesley Grant Leith-Buchanan(1890-1943).
> bii)George Hector Leith-Buchanan(1871-1948)married Mathilda Mary Charlotte Bourke.
> biii)James Macdonald Leith-Buchanan(1872-1946)married Katie Isabel Porter.His issue:-
> ci)John Wellesley Macdonald Leith-Buchanan(1908-?)married 1stly Jane Elizabeth Macdonald McNicol & 2ndly Isabel Sim Cumming Fraser.His issue:-
> di)Charles Alexander James Leith-Buchanan(1939-1998)married 1stly Marianne Kelly & 2ndly Janice J.Jenkins.His issue:-
> ei)Gordon Kelly McNicol Leith-Buchanan(1974-?).
> eii)Mary Elizabeth Leith-Buchanan(1964-?).
> dii)David Gustavus James Leith-Buchanan(1916-1941).
> diii)Jean Isabel Barbara Leith-Buchanan(1911-2000).
> biv)Charles John Leith-Buchanan(1875-1948)married Mary Eleanor Farmer.His issue:-
> ci)George William Hector Leith-Buchanan(1906-1968).
> cii)Thomas Wellesley Macdonald Leith-Buchanan(1907-1967)married Mary Catherine Cameron.His issue:-
> di)Eleanor Clare Leith-Buchanan(1935-1989)married William Hugh Shaw.
> ciii)Mary E.W.Leith(1911-1970).
> bv)Thomas Tod Leith-Buchanan(1877-1947)married Frances Meredith Farmer.
> ii) George Gordon Browne Leith (Jan. 26, 1812-1887) married 1stly to Jemima Ramsey and 2ndly to Eleanor Ferrier.His childrens -
> ai)Margaret Albinia Leith(1844-1934) married to John Wright.
> aii)Jemima Leith, married to Matthew Wright.Their issue:-
> bi)Mary Eleanor Wright(1866-1927)married Clement Speiden.
> bii)Gordon Wright(1867-?).
> biii)Georgina Katherine Wright(1869-?)married Herbert E. Gates .
> biv)Percy Ernest Alexander Wright(1871-?).
> bv)George Frederick Dewar Wright(1873-?).
> bvi)Gerald Wright(1879-?).
> bvii)Edward Vaughan Wright(1879-1970)married Mabel Leather.His issue:-
> ci)Douglas Vaughan Wright.
> cii)Ian Hamilton Wright.
> ciii)Philip Vaughan Wright.
> civ)Edwin Gerald Wright(1906-1972)married Elizabeth Frances Campbell.His issue:-
> di)Gerald Wellesley Wright.
> cv)Helen Francis Wright.
> bviii)Harold G. Wright(1885-1970)married Clarissa Smith.
> bix)Elma Madeline Wright(1881-?)married George Howard Shackleford.Their issue:-
> ci)Eleanor Mercy Shackleford(1909-1984)married ? Morton.Their issue:-
> di)Robert Morton.
> aiii)Charlotte Elrington Leith(1842-1923)married to Charles Matthew Counsell.Their childrens -
> bi)Charles Elrington Counsell (1872-1948).His children -
> ci)Anne Counsell Ferguson (1913 - 2003).Her children -
> di)Jeannie Ferguson Smith (1950 -? ).
> aiv)Alexander Henry Leith(1852-?) married to Mary Eddis.His childrens -
> bi)Eleanor Marjorie Leith(1883-1960)married to Albert Montye MacRae.Their issue:-
> ci)Donald Gordon Macrae(1920-2007)married Joan Irwin.
> cii)John Montye Macrae.
> ciii)Morson Leith Macrae.
> civ)Eleanor Macrae married ? Abbott.
> bii)Mary Penelope Leith(1887-1957)married to Alfred Walter Hutchinson.Their issue:-
> ci)Leith Hutchinson.
> av)Eleanor Alma Leith(1854-1942) married to Stair Dick Lauder.

My email - winsonsaw20032000@yahoo.com


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